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Usman Mohammad Quoted in Crain’s Article About Kostelanetz Pro Bono Litigation

On June 28, 2024, transgender activists, legal advocates, and currently unhoused transgender New Yorkers attended a press conference at Foley Square, regarding New York City’s obligation to provide transgender and gender nonconforming (“TGNC”) affirming shelter to unhoused New Yorkers. In a 2021 settlement resolving Mariah Lopez v. NYC Department of Homeless Services (DHS), the City agreed to provide such shelter; train shelter staff (including contractors) on the rights of TGNC people; require that shelter staff (including contractors) follow a non-discrimination policy; and strengthen the complaint-investigation process to address claims by shelter residents of anti-trans discrimination or harassment. In a new round of litigation, Mariah Lopez, represented by Kostelanetz LLP, contends that the City is out of compliance with the settlement agreement.

The City “cannot meet its legal obligation to create [transgender and gender non-conforming] shelter units, let alone its TGNC-affirming shelter-creation obligation, by re-labeling a few beds in cisgender shelters as ‘TGNC beds,’” said Usman Mohammad in a quote to Crain’s.

Mariah Lopez, executive director of the Strategic Trans Alliance for Radical Reform (“S.T.A.R.R.”) and plaintiff in Lopez v. DHS, is represented pro bono by Usman Mohammad and Claude M. Millman, with assistance from Ella Tynch, in her action to enforce the settlement agreement. Claude, Usman, Ella, and members of the paralegal department attended the press conference.

News12CBS, and 1010WINS also covered the event.