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Tax Controversies: Audits, Investigation, Trials (41st edition)

By: Robert S. Fink LexisNexis 41st Ed. 2022 The 41st edition of “Tax Controversies: Audits, Investigations, Trials” has been published and is available on Lexis-Nexis. Authored by Kostelanetz & Fink co-founder Robert S. Fink and the attorneys of Kostelanetz & Fink, Tax Controversies is the recognized guide

Recent Developments In FBAR Jurisprudence

By Usman Mohammad and Michael Gelb The CPA Journal, Tax Practice & Procedure Column December 2021 Issue Failing to report foreign bank accounts on a Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR) form can carry severe financial consequences. The civil penalty for non-willful violations

The IRS’s Big Plans For Big Data

By Christopher M. Ferguson CPA Journal August/September 2021 Faced with shrinking budgets and resources, for more than a decade the IRS has been forced to do more with less. It has responded by turning to big data analytics. In recent years, the IRS has amassed

Increasing Diversity In Tax Law

By Destiny Reese The Federal Lawyer September/October 2021 Unfortunately, few undergraduate and law school students aspire to become tax attorneys. This is primarily because tax law is often mistaken to be solely concerned with preparing tax returns for wealthy people or working for the Internal

A Primer On Establishing A Trust And Its Taxation

By Sidney Kess and Edward Mendlowitz Practical Tax Strategies June 2021 Trusts are an effective mechanism to provide for transfers of assets, protect assets from eventual or potential creditors, enable assets to be used in situations where the person establishing the trust is not able