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Law.Com Reports on ‘Powerhouse’ Combination of Kostelanetz LLP and WELTY PC

Bryan C. Skarlatos and Todd Welty were quoted in a article entitled “Atlanta Boutique Combines With New York Law Firm to Create ‘Powerhouse’ Tax Practice” about the recent combination of Kostelanetz LLP and WELTY PC.

From the article:

Bryan Skarlatos, a partner who joined Kostelanetz in 1987, said in a statement that Welty has a reputation for winning “some of the largest and most complex civil tax matters. So uniting our two groups of veteran tax attorneys into the most experienced tax controversy practice in the country was a very easy decision,” Skarlatos said. …

“We weren’t shopping the firm, we weren’t hunting for a merger. This was just a natural, organic discussion about how well we worked together and how we might work even better together as one firm,” Welty said.

The timing of the merger also “centered around the current and future IRS enforcement environment,” which Welty said he anticipated increased demand for his new firm’s tax attorneys’ efforts.

“The IRS has received tens of billions of dollars in additional funding to target corporate and high net worth individual taxpayers,” he said. “Their enforcement activities are only going to increase in the coming year.” …

“The depth of Kostelanetz’s practice in the criminal tax defense and white-collar defense areas is something that was very attractive for us to join forces with,” Welty said.

Click here to read the full article.